Work on the Ground

Our activists use nonviolent resistance to support Palestinian communities in the West Bank against human rights abuses.

Existence is Resistance

We support Palestinian communities in the West Bank through practical, solidarity-based actions. This includes organising joint olive harvests, planting trees and rebuilding homes following demolitions by the military. These acts affirm the right of communities to remain on their land and sustain their way of life, turning everyday existence into a powerful form of resistance.


By standing in solidarity with communities facing displacement and violence, we reinforce the message that every person has the right to live securely and with dignity on their land. Our Israeli and Palestinian activists working together for justice provide hope and demonstrate that a peaceful alternative to the current reality is possible.

Civil Disobedience

We challenge the structures of oppression through nonviolent civil disobedience. Our activists put their bodies on the line to confront unjust policies and violent practices, refusing to comply with the occupation system. These actions disrupt injustice and highlight the power of peaceful nonviolent resistance.

Protective Presence

Providing protective presence for Palestinian communities in Area C means monitoring and documenting human rights abuses and violence from settlers and the military. This critical work is important for deterring potential violence and bringing international attention to injustices that are occurring. Video footage can also serve as legal evidence in the struggle for accountability and justice.

Now is the time
to act.